Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Few of My 2020 Goals

Each year I post my goals for the year. Prayer and Bible reading is something I do all the time now so I will be excluding that from my list.
Here are some of the things that Lord willing I hope to accomplish this year:

1.Reduce the amount of sweets. This is a big one for me because I love desserts. My doctor says sweets are okay in moderation so my plan is to control portion size and not grabbing a cookie or piece of candy each time I go into the kitchen.

2. Exercise more. I have got to lose weight so I plan to use the XBOX games we have that my girls bought a couple of years ago. I also want to walk more. The weather hasn't been favorable for walking also I have a little bit of fear of walking lately. Recently we were coming home in the early afternoon from errands and there was a coyote running around. I texted my friend who lives around the corner asking her if her little daughter was outside and warning her about the coyote. Not sure what I would do should I encounter one on my walk.

3.Write regularly on this blog.  I have a hard time posting so even if it's once a month I want to write here more often.

4. Read more books for pleasure. Most of the books I read are for posting reviews.  I don't mind that but I have a ton of books on my shelf that I haven't finished reading.

5. Show intentional kindness. This is the theme of this year's  Homemaker's Friend Planner by Sue Hooley.
For the most part I do practice kindness but I would like to include more little things like bringing my husband a cup of coffee or sending a card of encouragement to a friend. There is a space in the planner for writing how I would like to express kindness each week.

6. Declutter.  I have been procrastinating getting rid of stuff. I have too much clutter and I plan to do get rid of and donate many things. This leads to number 7 below.

7. Get back to the Flylady plan. I had been doing Flylady and following her plan for cleaning  my home but I somehow got off the plan and so my home is slightly messy. I think once I get rid of clutter I will feel better about my home

8. Have daily tea. I love tea. I love taking time to have a cup of tea so that's my goal. And there are many health benefits to drinking tea. So my plan is to enjoy a cup of tea either in the afternoon or evening each day.

9. Cook from scratch more .  Convenience foods are nice but they can be expensive and I have many cookbooks so my goal is to find a create healthy meals for my family.

10.Ask for help more often.  I don't like to ask for help because I want to do things myself.  When I hurt my back, I didn't want to ask for anyone to set up Meal Train for us.  When I clean I won't ask for help from my family and then I get resentful.  So I  need to get rid of my pride and stop trying to be "Super Mom".

So that's it. These are just a few things I want to do this year.  I'm looking forward to seeing how this will play out.

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