Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Male Headship?

I have recently become aware of a website that encourages women to reject the Bible's teaching on God's design for women. She apparently wants churches to teach that women should be allowed to be pastors of churches, reject the Biblical teaching of male headship in the home and church, and women need to demand their equal rights! Apparently women like myself are referred to as "complementarians "  and those who want to have equal rights with men are the "egalitarians" .
She makes it seem like we are cowering under our husbands authority and are virtual prisoners in our own homes. There are women true, both Christian and non Christian who are in dangerous marriages and need to get help in anyway they can including getting out and finding a safe place to be. Those husbands have twisted scripture to fit their own agendas. They seemed to have forgotten to" love their wives  even as Christ loved the church" Eph 5:25a.

 I'm referring to wives who are following the Biblical design for marriage and have submitted to it's teaching..
 Contrary to what egalitarians have been told, we do have a say in matters of the home and church.
My husband and I will discuss a matter and prayerfully seek the Lord together. I will leave the final decision up to Tim but if I discern that something is not right I will let him know. My husband respects me and my ideas and would never  have the "I'm the boss of you and you need to shut up!" kind of attitude.
Our church has women in leadership roles such as Director of Music, our Administrative Assisstant is a woman. We have women who read scripture and more. We don't have women elders because the Bible teaches against it 1Tim 2:12.

Unfortunately there are lots of Christian women who are following her false teachings. On her blog there comments to her posts that only support her dangerous teachings and none that disagree with her.

Sisters, I think it's so very important that we stay grounded in the Word and embrace Biblical womanhood. God made the perfect design for men and women and we have no right to try to be God by trying to change that.

Moving My Blog

 After still trying to figure out the subscription thing with MailChimp and never having success, I've decided to go ahead and use my Wo...