Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I'm a Big Chicken!

 I wish that the Lord would give me the gift of boldness it comes to naming false teachers amongst us.. I really do.  I've read many a blog where the blog authors will say who these false teachers are. Many of the are very popular Christian women authors and speakers who have huge followings. Some of theSE bold blog authors have received a lot of backlash from women who have been deceived by the popular authors calling them "judgemetal", "jealous" and "gossipy".

I find myself asking myself " Why am I afraid to say something?" I think a big part of it, I don't like conflict. It's scary for me and I just don't deal with it well. My heart races and my stomache churns. I cringe when I hear about women being "swept away" by the latest books or studies by some of these speakers. Jesus warned about false teachers and prophets. Ladies we need to avoid them at all costs! A woman who claims to be Christian  who writes a blog, told me that wives don't need to submit to their husbands because Jesus never said we had to. I ws rather dumbfounded by her words. I found it very scary because she is an older woman and she is supposed to be a Titus 2 woman.  She was even asked about that but she had some outlandish explaination of what it "really" means. I ran from her blog and won't be back!

 I have however learned over the years that just because someone is popular and successful doesn't mean their teachings line up with God'd Word.  I am learning to really listen to what they are saying and check it against my Bible.  God doesn't say in His Word  "Eveyone obey me in this matter except Sister So and So. She's received a special "annoiting" from Me and doesn't need to obey." Nope, God doesn't show favortism.

Someone once wrote a post asking if we as women are easier to deceive than men. It's possible but I don't know for sure.  I know I had been deceived by a woman teacher/speaker who has pretty much become "pastor" to both men and women and is into the Word of Faith doctrine.
Anyway, we a Christian women need to really and I do mean listen to what you are being taught. We don't need to be taught what we want to hear but what we need to hear. We don't need "flowery" feel good books that gloss over the Word of God.

I just needed to get this off my chest and I'm praying for the boldness to one day shed my" chicken feathers " and write a post about the speakers that trouble me if the Lord wills.

It has quit snowing but it looks like it wants to start again. I think I will have a large cup of tea and get warm.

Moving My Blog

 After still trying to figure out the subscription thing with MailChimp and never having success, I've decided to go ahead and use my Wo...