Friday, September 21, 2018

The Cat, the Snake, and the Centipede- No Creepy Picture Included!

This morning around 5 :00 my husband and I were jolted awake by our youngest daughter who said she thinks there is a snake in her room.  I woke up on full mom alert and wondered how big was the snake and was it poisonous.
Tim grabbed a large cardboard box to catch the snake. Our daughter went to her room explaining that Kirstie was trying to get something near her food bowl and kept jumping back.  She said that it looked like a baby snake and was worried the mother might be around.
Kaitlyn ran out as soon as she saw it. Tim saw it and scooped it out and said that it wasn't a snake but a large centipede. Obviously not as cute as that centipede above  from
Tim said it was a fairly large bug. I'm glad I didn't see it myself. I probably would have screamed.  I hate bugs! We have a friend who was a Marine back in his younger days who says he can deal with scorpions, rattlesnakes and rats but centipedes gives him the creeps because  apparently they are really fast runners.

Well after that whole incident there was the temptation to get dressed and go to IHOP for breakfast but we decided we just too tired and Tim really needed to continue to recuperate from his cardioversion.

Moving My Blog

 After still trying to figure out the subscription thing with MailChimp and never having success, I've decided to go ahead and use my Wo...