Thursday, February 6, 2020

Super Bowl Half-time P*rn Show

I didn't watch Super Bowl  since I gave it up many years ago. Our church had a Super Bowl party on Sunday. I hope they turned off the half-time show. I heard from Christian vloggers and fellow Christian bloggers how horrible it was. Even unbelievers were horrified by the half-time show!

I attempted to watch a clip of the two performers( I refuse to mention their names!)  who were on the show and I just was mortified but what I saw. I couldn't watch anymore.  I was even more shocked to see young girls on stage shaking parts of their body they shouldn't be shaking.

There was a time when dressing and dancing like a harlot was only seen in strip clubs. Now it's become acceptable because the feminists cry it's their right and their freedom to do so and if men lust after them it's the man's problem.

Our society  has become a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.  What God calls sin and abomination is now accepted as good. If you disagree with those who practice such sins you are called judgemental, a prude, homophobe, sexist, stupid, Bible thumper, living in the 1800s etc.

How God must grieve over the sins His creation is committing. And the children are growing up believing the filth of the world.  We need Christian, Bible believing and Bible obeying parents raising their children in the ways of the Lord and rejecting Satan's lies that sin is good and parents who are not conforming to the world because " everybody else is doing it".
  Oh how I long for our nation to turn from her wicked ways and turn to God.

Moving My Blog

 After still trying to figure out the subscription thing with MailChimp and never having success, I've decided to go ahead and use my Wo...