Sunday, March 16, 2014

For Whatever Reason

I guess I actually forgot to submit my latest post or something so for whatever reason it's lost.  So anyway, lots of goings on in our lives. The big thing is if the Lord wills, our daughter Miranda will be going on a DTS (Discipleship Training School) through YWAM (Youth with a Mission) in the UK. She is still short the money and her session starts April 2nd.
I know if it's God's will He will make a way but currently I must admit it seems hopeless. If she can't make this session there is another one in six months but that would have her gone at Christmas  and all the other holidays that would occur while she is gone. I can handle her being away during Mother's Day though I would be sad but the holidays that's a different story. So whatever God wants as the old hymns goes " My Heart Says Amen to Your Will"

I'm thinking of crocheting items to sell but I'm not sure what to sell.  I plan to look around online to see what people are making and selling and for how much. I've been challenging myself to try more advanced stitches and patterns  and I've been loving it.
More later...

Moving My Blog

 After still trying to figure out the subscription thing with MailChimp and never having success, I've decided to go ahead and use my Wo...