Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year! It's 2018 ladies and that means is time for my yearly post on my goals for the year. Most of you know I dont do New Year's resolutions because  resolutions can easily be broken but with goals, I don't set myself up for failure.

 I must confess that I had thought about not blogging anymore or taking a very long break.
But I realize I really like encouraging you ladies whom I consider you all friends so as long as the Lord wants me to blog I will continue to write.

So here goes my list in order this time.

1. Improve my prayer life. My prayer life isn't horrible but I want to take more opportunities to go in my "war room" to pray not just during my regular prayer time.

2.Start a Bible reading plan and not get frustrated with myself if I miss a day. I have assigned reading in my daily devotions but I want to increase my reading of the Word.

3. Have more grace with my husband and daughters when they do things that frustrate me. I find myself getting irritated with  silly things that really doesn't matter in the long run.

4. Having more grace with our second service worship leader and the music choices at church. Ladies, this one is a hard one because I don't like most of the contemporary Christian music out there. I get really irritated with updated versions of hymns that don't take away the message of the original hymn. 

5. Stay focused during my prayer time. I get distracted very easily and then my mind wanders to things I need to do during the day.

6. Make better use of my daily planner. I'm old school and use a spiral planner instead of a calender on my computer or smartphone.

7. Make a daily dinner menu. This one is hard too because sometimes I just don't know what everyone wants to eat on any given day.

8. Finish a book before starting another. Currently I'm reading "Created to Be His Helpmeet" (Yes I'm still reading it.) and" Fragrant Whiffs of Joy" by Dorcas Smucker.

9. Complete one  sewing project from my sewing lesson book. My sewing machine is out of the repair shop and so far isn't "mocking" me by messing up the tension or having a bobbin threads that look like a bird nest.

10. Stay on top of my cleaning routines with Flylady. I got a little off schedule last year so I want to get back on board. 

So that's my goal list for this year. I hope to see what your goals for this year here in the comments below or on your blog.

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