Monday, August 6, 2018

It's Monday

I hope you had a pleasant weekend. We have been enjoying a break from thunderstorms for the past four days but of course that means I have to water the plants myself.  We are enjoying the green bean harvest. The tomatoes are still growing  and are not ready for harvesting. We can't wait for that to happen.
I sure appreciate your comments and your prayers. I believe that as Christians we are blessed to know we have network of prayer warriors.

Lately, I've been thinking about Christians who have stayed true to their faith and have not compromised their beliefs. I admire that they haven't conformed or developed an "everybody else is doing it" mentality. I think it's probably hard on those Christians because they are most likely ridiculed for their convictions and called legalistic. Yesterday at Sunday school the lesson was on knowing why we believe the scriptures, not ignoring or tossing out scripture.
Two questions that were in yesterday's lesson were:

How is it that people can read the Bible, but not apply its truth?
What are some teachings of the Bible that people choose to ignore?

I admit this was a very difficult lesson for me. There are too many to list why here. I can share that sometimes I struggle with wanting to just stay home therefore " foresaking the assembling"  of other believers.  I'm not sure even why.
I also tend to worry. I worry about our finances. I worry about my family and their health. I worry about my health. I worry about other believers that they are ignoring Biblical truths. I won't go into details. Paul reminds us in the first part of Philippians 4:6 " Be cafeful for nothing". In other words don't  be anxious or worried. Paul goes on to say " but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Ladies I know this. I believe this. I haven't ignored it or tossed this teaching. I suppose it's my human nature worry about things and forget to give my cares to the Lord.

It's taken me all day to get this post written. With my pain, I take frequent breaks to rest my hands.  Then we lost our power because a power pole was down. I want to get back into crocheting. I think I will just have to take lots of breaks. This will of course take me longer to finish a project but at least I will be doing what I love.

I have several book reviews to post. I hope to get those up soon. If you ever have questions about any of the books I have reviewed don't hesitate to ask.

Moving My Blog

 After still trying to figure out the subscription thing with MailChimp and never having success, I've decided to go ahead and use my Wo...