Monday, April 8, 2019

1 Corinthians Online Ladies Bible Study

Hello dear ones! I can just kick myself for not telling you all sooner but there is an online Bible study for Women over at a site called Conforming to the Truth. Tajuana over at My Life 0utside the Box  has been posting  a chapter  each week from 1 Corinthians and highlighting the verses that stand out  . It's not too late to sign up as I only recently joined the email list. There is a Facebook group if you want to join that. If you don't have Facebook which I don't have you can just be on the email lesson list.

  Last week's and this weeks lesson deal with s*xual* sins.  As Tajuana noted and I agree, there doesn't seem to be much difference in the Church today than it was in Corinth. The same issues Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians  is still going on today.
I've been in churches in the past where there have been all sorts of s*xual sins committed.Some churches even allow it because they use the excuse of  not wanting to offend or feel like it's so big deal.

 I got really upset at a woman " Mennonite pastor" about a year or so ago because she doesn't care that she is brainwashing her congregation into believing that certain lifestyles are not sinful. Even a well known Christian author and speaker shocked everyone a few years ago when she said this lifestyle should be embraced.

I suspect Paul would if he were alive today would either be saddened or not surprised by the Church today.
When sin is tolerated no matter what it is, shows ungratefulness for what Jesus did on the cross and spitting in His face. And people who are in positions of leadership who allow sin to continue  make the Pharisees look like angels!

Anyway, I'm sorry to get sidetracked. Go over to Conforming to the Truth if you would like to sign up for the study.

*Because some of you receive my posts by email, you may have settings that will filter emails that contain certain words to be sent to spam.  To keep inappropriate emails out of my email box I also have such filters.

P.S. I wrote this post on April 5th and forgot to hit the Publish button.  Silly me!

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