Monday, September 26, 2011

I Like to Think

Okay I was sitting in church yesterday morning. We were visiting our friends and we went to their church. There church is Conservative Mennonite so I was looking at all the various coverings the ladies were wearing. Mostly I saw white hanging veils and there was one blue hanging veil. I thought of the book "An Ornament of a Spirit" by Cory Anderson which I will be borrowing from one of my blog followers and I saw absolutely nothing wrong with these coverings.

One might even argue that kapp coverings are wrong which I don't believe is true not one bit. I hope by reading Cory's book I hope to understand why he has a problem with churches switching to hanging veils.

Moving My Blog

 After still trying to figure out the subscription thing with MailChimp and never having success, I've decided to go ahead and use my Wo...