Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Feeling a Little Better

Thank you ladies for your kind words. I'm feeling better but I'm tired. The thing is I need to to pay close attention to my symptoms. Many of you don't know this but several years ago I was in the hospital for three and a half weeks for a blood disorder called TTP.  TTP  stands for Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. It's a rare disorder that causes very low platelets due to blood clots in the body. The doctors aren't sure what caused my case but it was very scary.  I was treated through plasma exchange and regular blood draws. So anyway, I was afraid I might have been relasping as I started to not feel well on Friday night which lasted through the next few days.

So for the next few days I need to watch out for any odd bruising, unexplained fatigue and sorry if this is TMI blood in my urine. All symptoms I had and ignored with my first go around with this because I figured the symptoms wòuld go away.
Now I'm older and wiser and definitely know better.

Moving My Blog

 After still trying to figure out the subscription thing with MailChimp and never having success, I've decided to go ahead and use my Wo...