Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today

Looking out my window I see the grasshoppers are awake
the cicadas are still sleeping

I am thinking how fun this Simple Woman Daybook will be

I am thankful that we have been living in this house a year now

One of my favorite things is sipping afternoon tea

I am creating well actually coloring in my coloring book called
"I Love My Hair"

I am wearing my red plaid flannel nightgown 

I am reading Created to Be His Helpmeet

I am hoping my friends who have cancer are healed

I am learning how to be a godly wife

In my kitchen, well I think we will have leftovers for dinner

In my garden I need to harvest some mint. There is chocolate mint as well as spearmint and sweet mint

Post Script
My favorite Etsy

Shared Quote

A moment from my day

Homemade granola

(The Simple Woman's  Daybook was started by Peggy at

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