Sunday, September 24, 2017

"Sneaky" and Not So Ways to Get Exercise In

I confess I hate to exercise. Never been a fan of jogging, sit-ups or any of that stuff. So since my doctor diagnosed me with pre-diabetes and told me the importance of watching my diet and exercise I have been trying to figure out something to get exercise in.  One thing she suggested was walking though she recommended brisk walking she said any walking is better than nothing.
She also said you don't need to join a gym but use what you have at home so here are some ideas I have come up with:

1.Do a prayer walk around your neighborhood. Even if you live in a rural area like I do this can still be done.

2. Walk around your property or your house if the weather is bad and you can use this also as a prayer walk.

3. Get an exercise bike. You can probably find some nice used ones at a yard sale or thrift store.

4. Get your family involved. It's more fun to exercise when our family is involved and supporting us.

5. March in place. I used to do this for awhile when we lived in CA.

Those are all I can think of at the moment. I have a slight cold so I can't think very clearly. I hope this has encouraged us all to get some sort of exercise.

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