Saturday, April 14, 2018

Repurposed Litter Buckets

Hello friends! I decided to take a break from my crochet hooks do something with one of the kitty litter buckets  that seem to multiply like rabbits in our home!  I hate to get rid of them because they are so handy!

I have one I use as a mop bucket but there are some hanging around in our garage. Yesterday, I was in my closet looking at all the bags and small boxes of yarn which has also invaded my war room prayer space and I decided I needed do something with that yarn.

I saw some nice ideas for litter buckets on Pinterest and decided to get to work on a yarn bucket.

Here is the before shot of a Tidy Cat litter bucket

I have lots of scrap fabric, a crocheted heart, letters from Dollar Tree and duplicate crochet hooks and here is the new and improved litter bucket now yarn stash bucket

Here the back of the bucket
I hope this gives you some ideas if you happen to have empty  litter buckets taking up space in your home or garage.

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