Friday, May 18, 2018

Book Review: CSB Study Bible for Women Plus Prayer Request

Before I bore you all with another book review please pray for the families in Santa Fe, Texas who lost loved ones in yet another school shooting.
This week I'm reviewing the CSB Study Bible for Women. First of all I'm always suspicious Christian material geared towards women because there are so many false teachers out there. I almost didn't request it but I wanted to know what the editors had to say on issues such as modesty, submission etc
This Bible according to the back cover sleeve is "the most comprehensive study Bible ever prepared  for women and by women".
The Bible's editors Dorothy Kelley Patteron and Rhonda Harrington Kelley did a great job in my opinion putting this Bible together.  Some of the features of this Bible are :
Extensive commentary notes
Word Studies
Character profiles
Biblical Womanhood articles 

These are just a few features this study Bible has. One thing I noticed right away was the pages were very pretty. They have a very feminine look and I really liked that. The Bible Lifeway sent is a hardcover which is okay but I  personally prefer a leather cover. The Bible translation is the Christian Standard Bible which I mentioned in the Worldview Study Bible is a new translation. As far as any hint of feminist views I didn't see any.  I actually wanted to go through it with a finetooth comb but I knew that would take way too long. So my final thoughts are this is a great study Bible for women. There didn't appear to be any references to false women teachers of today in any of the Biblical Womahood articles.
The study notes are amazing  One thing I would have done differently though is put the features of the Bible in the beginning instead of the back. I found this to be rather odd as though the features were an afterthought.

I would ask that you please bear with me with my book reviews. I'm still getting the hang of doing this. 
I received a copy of this Bible from Lifeway in exchange for my reviews. 

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