Friday, November 10, 2017

Feminine Friday

Ladies today instead of posting a picture I want to talk about being a godly feminine woman/ young lady.

Being feminine is not just about what you wear but it also includes have a meek and quiet spirit(1 Peter 3:3-4)

Being feminine doesn't mean participating in women's marches wearing(yes I'm going there!) vagina hats demanding your rights to kill your unborn baby.

Being feminine means having a thankful and submissive attitude.

A feminine woman gladly accepts her role as a woman and rejects the notion of wanting to do jobs reserved for men.

A feminine woman will reverence her husband and submit except when it violates scripture.(1Peter 3:1-6, Ephesians 5:22)

Being feminine is not flaunting our bodies by dressing in clothing that makes us look like harlots or posting pictures online of ourselves in harlot attire for all to see.

Being feminine loves her husband, children and being a keeper at home(Titus 2 :1-5)

These are a few things I wanted to share. Scripture is full of teaching aimed at us women. Now I'm not perfect by no means. I've definitely come short of being the wife God wants me to be.

Resources  I recommend
The Bible of course
The Excellent Wife- Martha Peace
Daughters of Sarah-Genevieve  M. White
The Transformed Wife- Lori Alexander
Any books by Nancy Campbell of Above Rubies
Created to Be His Helpmeet- Debi Pearl

I'm still in the middle of Created to Be His Helpmeet but so far it's been very encouraging.

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